
Flavor in your Ear

Amongst other obsessions that will become evident as this blog progresses, podcasts have been one of my original and continual infatuations (is anyone else this excited by radio programming?).

Some of my favorites right now are:

The Moth - Want to hear a story? Answer: YES. Each podcast is a live recording of a true story told at an event held by The Moth, a non-profit storytelling organization. Storytellers include Malcolm Gladwell, Colin Quinn, and Margaret Cho.

RadioLab - Similar to This American Life, WNYC's RadioLab picks an idea and creates an hour long show with stories and interviews investigating that idea. Like the name suggests, this show has a slightly scientific bent (exploring time, space, the brain, etc). Also up for experimentation in this lab - sound editing. Go download now: Beyond Time, The (Multi) Universe(s).

Planet Money - For those who want to know what's going on/wrong in our economy but don't speak derivatives, futures, or TED spread.

Stuff Mom Never Told You - Do women cry more than men? Why are women's clothing sizes so hard to figure out? Will there ever be male birth control? These are just a few questions that the ladies at Howstuffworks.com have answered. Like your high school's women's issue's club, but with less watching of Mean Girls and more talking of gender sociology, psychology and hormones ole! Boys welcome.

Savage Love - Not for the faint of heart. Broadcasted by Dan Savage. This one you might just have to listen to for yourself!

All of the above are free free free. Listen while you fall asleep, fold clothes, workout, or waste time on the internet - its not time wasted when you are contemplating the mysteries of the universe or finally learning what a collateralized debt obligation is.

...more podcasts to come.

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