

Collages are fun. I kept a collage book in high school which combined magazine clippings, photographs, illustrations, quotes, lyrics, and a variety of other things. I recently decided I wanted to start making collages or mixed media art (although this is far too intense or serious a term to be applied to what I do) and dug out my old, I'll call it, scrapbook in order to get inspired. And surprisingly I was. Now, I can't wait to start a new one and I am calling upon more famous collage artists to inspire me further. Thought I would share some of these artists with you. Perhaps its not for everyone (although I know Kite will enjoy the art), perhaps some may view it as amateur or less than "real" art, but I love the stuff!

So here are sketchbook collages by various artists
(Particularly think Katie will appreciate these and perhaps try her hand at something similar)

Cristiana Couceiro
I like the use of color and transparency and old and new.

Paul Bergess
Very retro in a good way.

Jorge Chomorro
This guy is a creativity design and visual communication teacher --sounds like a awesome job to me. His stuff is the most abstract and the least traditional. I think its really cool.

Hope you guys like. Let me know.

P.S. I think I know why I don't post so often: It takes me FOREVER to put together a post. I want to include so much stuff and it takes me so long to pull together everything I like and then edit etc etc... from now on I'm going to strive for shorter posts more often. Fingers-crossed.


  1. your posts always make our blog look pretty.

    really like the mixed media art...will maybe try my hand at it. lately ive been thinking a lot about paper making and moving to argentina. i'm really down to spend a year abroad if you are after school and you want a buddy! hannah too!

  2. I thought you would like this post. Any favs?

    I could definitely get behind a year abroad. Just today I was thinking about how many adventures I want to have while I'm still young. I was already thinking about what our next trip could be and how cool it would be to do something again.
