
Ridiculous Right Now: Cyborg style

Women or machines? Do you think these women undermine feminism with their over-sexualized costumes? Or are they like warriors bolstering feminine strength?
photo credit: people.com

1 comment:

  1. I feel like Gaga uses a lot of sexuality (be it outfits or innuendos) when she entertains, yet I rarely hear people talking about how attractive or sexy they think she is. It's like the weird overpowers the sexual so she's slightly immune to being just a sex object.

    With other sexed-up performers, their sexiness is the most interesting thing about them, often the "main event" of their performances. With Gaga, that's never the case. Her audience doesn't drool, it gasps.

    Ew. cheesy last line. I'm just lazy and don't know how else to put it.

    I'm not even that big of a Lady Gaga fan, you just got me thinking. You and your head-scratchers.
