
Shaq teaches us a lesson

Shaq is a genius? Well, he's an art curator.  And, he has something serious to say...size DOES matter.

Tiny elevators.

Tiny Shaq.

Three naked guys.

Big chairs.

"The thing about size - if its big or small you have to look at it. Because I'm so big you have to look at me. I think of myself as a monument. But sometimes I like to feel small." - Shaq, New York Magazine



Crop Art

Stunning crop art has sprung up across rice fields in Japan. But this is no alien creation - the designs have been cleverly planted. Farmers creating the huge displays use no ink or dye. Instead, different colours of rice plants have been precisely and strategically arranged and grown in the paddy fields.

As summer progresses and the plants shoot up, the detailed artwork begins to emerge.



Anthony Bourdain schooled by a 10 year-old

I totally agree with her...


Second Lou Reed Post

Listen to this album. Just so cool.



Ridiculous Right Now: Cyborg style

Women or machines? Do you think these women undermine feminism with their over-sexualized costumes? Or are they like warriors bolstering feminine strength?
photo credit: people.com