
La Selva

Web: La Selva from Web on Vimeo.

Here´s a short clip from the documentary my friend Mike is currently filming in Peru. The documentary is about the 1 Laptop Per Child program that Peru is currently running. Through this program, children in extremely rural areas of Peru receive specially design laptops. Mike is filming the documentary as his Fulbright project. He also has a documentary that premieres in Miami this weekend called the Last Survivior. Check it out!


  1. wow really good. even better because we've been to la selva so i feel like im really there.

    also, did you watch the last survivor trailer? the holocaust survivor has the best quotes. very simple, very true.

    "the victims are those that died, i survived so i have to do something about it"

    "the first time i heard someone deny the holocaust i laughed, the second time i heard someone deny it i realized i could not laugh, the third time i did something about it."

  2. Really really good. Already looks so edited and final. Interested to see how the more anthropological cultural evolution part intertwines with the one laptop story and what the conclusion will be.
