
Los Abrazos Rotos

If I actually think about it, the movie I really want to see is Los Abrazos Rotos or Broken Embraces, which is Pedro Almodovar's newest film. Of course, it stars the stunning Penelope Cruz, who looks just as good as she did 6 years ago in her first Almodovar film All About My Mother. It is hard to get any of the story line from the trailer, but you can tell that it relays greatly on Cruz's captivating beauty and Almodovar's eye for artful cinematography. I've been able to gather a little info on the plot of the film, but I've decided to consciously avoid learning anything else. In fact, I've decided to avoid learning anything about films that I want to see becasue I don't like when previews, reviews, or synopses ruin the final viewing of the film. I used this strategy once with Children For Men and it was really nice to see a movie with no expectations. But go ahead and take a look at this trailer because it doesn;t give anything away.

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